Lexis Rex Inicio

Conjugación de whisper

to whispersusurrar

Presente de indicativoAnotado
I whisperyo susurro
you whispertú susurras
he whispersél susurra
she whispersella susurra
we whispernosotros susurramos
you whispervosotros susurráis
they whisperellos susurran
they whisperellas susurran

Pretérito / Simple pastAnotado
I whisperedyo susurré
you whisperedtú susurraste
he whisperedél susurró
she whisperedella susurró
we whisperednosotros susurramos
you whisperedvosotros susurrasteis
they whisperedellos susurraron
they whisperedellas susurraron

Pretérito perfectoAnotado
I have whisperedyo he susurrado
you have whisperedtú has susurrado
he has whisperedél ha susurrado
she has whisperedella ha susurrado
we have whisperednosotros hemos susurrado
you have whisperedvosotros habéis susurrado
they have whisperedellos han susurrado
they have whisperedellas han susurrado

Pretérito pluscuamperfecto / PluperfectAnotado
I had whisperedyo había susurrado
you had whisperedtú habías susurrado
he had whisperedél había susurrado
she had whisperedella había susurrado
we had whisperednosotros habíamos susurrado
you had whisperedvosotros habíais susurrado
they had whisperedellos habían susurrado
they had whisperedellas habían susurrado

Futuro de indicativoAnotado
I will whisperyo susurraré
you will whispertú susurrarás
he will whisperél susurrará
she will whisperella susurrará
we will whispernosotros susurraremos
you will whispervosotros susurraréis
they will whisperellos susurrarán
they will whisperellas susurrarán

Futuro perfecto / Future perfectAnotado
I will have whisperedyo habré susurrado
you will have whisperedtú habrás susurrado
he will have whisperedél habrá susurrado
she will have whisperedella habrá susurrado
we will have whisperednosotros habremos susurrado
you will have whisperedvosotros habréis susurrado
they will have whisperedellos habrán susurrado
they will have whisperedellas habrán susurrado

I would whisperyo susurraría
you would whispertú susurrarías
he would whisperél susurraría
she would whisperella susurraría
we would whispernosotros susurraríamos
you would whispervosotros susurraríais
they would whisperellos susurrarían
they would whisperellas susurrarían

Condicional perfecto / Conditional perfectAnotado
I would have whisperedyo habría susurrado
you would have whisperedtú habrías susurrado
he would have whisperedél habría susurrado
she would have whisperedella habría susurrado
we would have whisperednosotros habríamos susurrado
you would have whisperedvosotros habríais susurrado
they would have whisperedellos habrían susurrado
they would have whisperedellas habrían susurrado

Participio presenteAnotado
whispering susurrando

Participio pasadoAnotado
whispered susurrado

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